We provide pure water rich in essential natural minerals to meet the most diverse demands: Production of disposable and returnable packaging, ice manufacturing and supply to agribusiness. Quality and sustainability on a global scale.
Amazon Water International Inc. was born with the mission of distributing water in bulk with technology to the entire world. Headquartered in the British Virgin Islands, with operations in the Caribbean, Panama, Central America, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, we connect water-scarce regions to the pure waters of the SAGA Aquifer, the largest on the planet.
Water scarcity is one of the greatest global challenges. Several nations already face the risk of total depletion of their groundwater in 20 to 50 years. Excessive consumption, low natural recharge and environmental impact make water resource management an urgent challenge.
Estimate for the complete depletion of some underground reserves.
Deeper areas have compromised quality as aquifers become depleted.
With modern technologies and advanced logistics, Amazon Water International Inc. directly contributes to mitigating this scenario, providing pure water with natural minerals from sustainable sources.
We combine cutting-edge technology and robust logistics to deliver bulk water from the SAGA Aquifer around the world. Our operation is carefully designed to preserve essential natural minerals and ensure superior quality.
Production of disposable and returnable packaging.
Efficient and sustainable agribusiness.
Reliable supply for various industrial processes.
Each stage of transportation uses the best available technologies to ensure that the water arrives with its original composition, including essential natural minerals such as lithium and vanadium.
Our commitment goes beyond transporting water. We work to provide a sustainable solution that supports agribusiness, local communities and public health in vulnerable regions.
Millions of liters of water delivered annually.
Sustainability for communities dependent on reliable water resources.
Reducing pressure on local water resources.